Ascensionem in Stratera
Stratera iusta et per Ascensionem
“Ascension through Balance:
Balance through Ascension.”
Stratera iusta et per Ascensionem
“Ascension through Balance:
Balance through Ascension.”
O.O. Overview 000
By way of an introduction to the topic.
“One of the central philosophical tenets promoted by the Society was the complex doctrine of The Intelligent Evolution of All Existence, occurring on a Cosmic scale, incorporating both the physical and non-physical aspects of the known and unknown Universe, and affecting all of its constituent parts regardless of apparent size or importance. The theory was originally promulgated in the Secret Doctrine, the 1888 magnum opus of Helena Blavatsky.
According to this view, Humanity’s evolution on Earth (and beyond) is part of the overall Cosmic evolution. It is overseen by a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, whose upper echelons consist of advanced spiritual beings.
Blavatsky portrayed the Theosophical Society as being part of one of many attempts throughout the millennia by this hidden Hierarchy to guide humanity – in concert with the overall Intelligent Cosmic Evolutionary scheme – towards its ultimate, immutable evolutionary objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious, willing participation in the evolutionary process.
These attempts require an earthly infrastructure (such as the Theosophical Society) which she held was ultimately under the inspiration of a number of Mahatmas, members of the Hierarchy”
Refer to Footnotes.
O.O. Overview 001
The tenets of the Theosophical Society has inspired New Age doctrine, a term which in 2016 means something different to what it did during the 1970s. The New Age Movement for the A.A. Age of Aquarius has been usurped so as to implement a control element over it, thus undermining its original intent.
Recent discourse with advocates of the neo-NAM has revealed their belief in an “Universal Law” which is contrary system of manifest physics to the overall scientifically verified structure that ‘reality conforms to projected preconceptions’. I have exposed the nNAM belief in UL in that it involves crooked thinking; much as the Buddhist re-invention of ‘Karmic Principle” (that we do is returned upon us) from Sanskrit ‘Kamma’ (simply; that ’cause has effect’) incorporates a morality system without overtly admitting to the fact.
In my esteemed opinion; IF (capitols intended) there is a Universal Law pervasive of all things; it is simply that ‘the nature of Reality is that it (reality) offers proof of projected preconceptions’. Ergo any structure we project into it will return to us perceived evidence supporting the structure. We exist within a free domain of creativity which has had set upon it limitations; some liminal, others sublime. Exploring the edge between the liminal and sublime and integrating that which is beyond it, is a necessary factor of Human cognitive evolution.
I am grateful to the nNAM sector for discussing their beliefs with me and I sincerely hope not to have offended them for coming at the issue from perspective of a non-christian foundation. Please refer to my notes regarding that dialogue which are included here as O.O. Overview 003. Unfortunately the original nNAM poster has apparently deleted the whole thread so I am unable to present a CBQ (copy block quote) of it here.
O.O. Overview 002
We explore the projected structures of Consciousnesses upon the manifest domain of ‘mass-time’; structures which operate from beyond the liminal edge of Human perception at our current stage of evolution. We live during the exciting time of an evolutionary quantum leap in that perception. Obviously some components evolve at different rates to others and the diversity within the melange of community is extreme and difficult to balance.
This being the Age of Aquarius where communication is key, we discover increasingly fluid methods of communication between remote consciousnesses. What were previously barriers and still are to many, dissolve as we adapt our sensory ranges and stance toward the structure, as a necessary and natural development and consequence of our coming to comprehend it better.
We map it using inherited jargon and appropriate newspeak. One such structure we project onto the chaos for our communal integration is the hierarchy system which we observe and measure. We measure energy in terms of Hertz and kiloHertz and we identify that all things are made of energy. We agree that so far, all measurable energy transmutes; it does not cease.
These become our immutable Laws.
We observe flux within the transitions and that at many stages these apparently isolated and random patterns are aspects of a much larger emerging pattern we were not previously able to associate. Simple patterns compare throughout many fields and levels of subject too diverse to quantify into an easy cohesion. The quest for simplicity is innate to many but not all. Those amongst us of diverse nature connect with ancient and future events seemingly irrational to those who have no appreciation for appropriate context.
The term ‘proper’ becomes subjective depending on frame of reference. Evidently then, to project a format upon the chaos is necessary for us to communicate with cohesion. The reptilian model we have inherited is simple to utilise; step by step, tier by tier, a hierarchal structure whose upper echelons, the hierophants, perceive further beyond the edge. Fringe cultures formulate as a natural part of the development and unless dangerous should not be restricted for they are necessary; although the consensus is always shifting.
O.O. Overview 003
The intention of the following is to liberate dogmatic mind toward objective clarity rather than religious conformity to the nNAM control structure. I am totally open to hearing any counter-argument to my own which is critical of the assumption that A there is a Universal Law and B what that Universal Law actually is. My personal stance quite evidently is toward infinite expansion, which is diametrically opposed to the nNAM belief that Universal Law is a morality system based on Karmic intervention. Within Infinite Expansion comes a necessity for orientation framework to avoid confusion. We are attempting to overcome that Human nature is to quibble over the framework and thus lose sight of any more meaningful objective. Authority is founded on the premise that Responsibility is Respectability.
JR CEO OO 29.01.16
“The Theosophical Society’s objectives evolved to be:
1. To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.
Sympathy with the above objects was the sole condition of admission to the society. The Society was organized as a non-sectarian entity. The following was stated in the Constitution and Rules of the Theosophical Society
ARTICLE I: Constitution 4.
The Theosophical Society is absolutely unsectarian, and no assent to any formula of belief, faith or creed shall be required as a qualification of membership; but every applicant and member must lie in sympathy with the effort to create the nucleus of an Universal Brotherhood of Humanity
1. Any Fellow who shall in any way attempt to involve the Society in political disputes shall be immediately expelled.
2. No Fellow, Officer, or Council of the Theosophical Society, or of any Section or Branch thereof, shall promulgate or maintain any doctrin[e ]as being that advanced, or advocated by the Society.[5]
The Society reformulated this view in a resolution passed by the General Council of the Theosophical Society on December 23, 1924.”
The Basic Syllabus is supplemented by the Advanced Syllabus which is modular and extends each of the basic Parts in various directions usually by expanding the information base pertaining to it.
Preface / Overview
Anti-Divisionism through Harmonious & Holistic Relations.
Why binary gender is complimentary not opposite.
“Our society… women often complain about men thinking with their genitals although they are designed to while men often complain about women not thinking with their hearts although they are designed to. If we want to fix that, we must accept what we are supposed to be and do.” Rachel Bree
Part One inspired by the teachings of Mantak Chia. It shows clearly the basic tenet of how the human is a bio-electro-magnetic system albeit half of a whole system requiring complimentary binary gender to complete the circuit.
Part Two (to follow) is inspired by the teachings of Victa Corvo Penfold. It shows part one in relation to the septenary chakra system along with guidance on methods of using the breath to draw energy up through it for empowerment and a detail of what each chakra does as a sensory dimension.
Part Three (to follow) is about the growth of the 8th chakra in the upper chest / shoulder position by communicating (throat) the passion, and that the passion is known only through living by intuition without mental or emotional confusion; something which Modernism as a background society actively represses. This position of functioning by ‘communicating as our intuition’ (“authentic Being”) was taught by ancient cultures through such symbolism as Tau and Crux Ansata, the Ba bird in Egyptology; indicating the Horizon line beyond which are insights revealed by shift to higher chakra perceptual consciousness.
This bridges the gap between Eros and Thanos components (of Thanateros) as we evolve to integrate after-death consciousness into this lifetime.
Part Four (to follow) is necessarily about spirit mediumship. It draws on the teachings of Carlos Castaneda in ‘detaching from Mind’, something which Western Modernist school of thought describes as a mental illness but which Shaman from all over the globe throughout history have relied on to observe what is actually happening and gain deeper insight into Reality.
illustrations by Joe Russell (except for Bar magnet which is borrowed from the internet for educational purposes) produced on behalf of Ordo Octopia publications for the betterment of society in its advance toward harmony.
©2018 Ordo Octopia
On Energy Spheres
It is entirely probable that this manuscript will require to be read at least twice so as to understand it, because it is not an easy thing to explain. Once you have understood it, then it becomes very simple to visualize.
Where there are footnotes breaking up the text, it is probable that by reading the footnotes where they are indicated by asterix, instead of reading them after the next part of the text, will hasten you comprehension. The footnotes are an aside but a necessary one.
In my twenties while on psilocybin mushrooms used by shamen to liberate from attachment to dogmatic perceptions and thought-structures, I literally saw the energy fields, electromagnetism, surrounding living beings. I saw spheres. Within each sphere is a codex, moving constantly, which I have attempted to map. *
I had read the music of the spheres so immediately I reconciled these energetic waves measured in Hertz for sound and KiloHertz for Light on the very same scale.
I recognized that the external spheres interact like cogs with the exterior world, in aligning it to concord with the individuals configuration. Also, the inverse happens. **
When two individuals energy fields overlap *** the particles (our name for the individual elements of a persons radionic energy field) bond. They can bond in one of two ways, which is really four ways because 2 to the power of 2.
1 both are the same (repulsion / affinity)
2 both are different (attraction / questioning)
- white vs white
(two dominants; assertive power 'doubles' / increases to the power of itself) - typically symbolized as two hard walls colliding - friction / hardness / em repulsion
-black vs black
(two submissives; yielding power 'doubles' / increases to the power of itself) - typically symbolized as a hole increasing in size or two raindrops merging - suction/attraction / softness / em repulsion
-white vs black
(dominant over submissive) - electromagnetic attraction (left to right / clockwise)
-black vs white
(submissive under dominant) - electromagnetic attraction (right to left / widdershins)
Its all very basic and you fully recognize this system easily.
The only difference between this and scientific understanding and explaining of subatomic particles under the 20th century model is that in quantum mechanics the particles are described by their Spin, the type of motion they are making.
In this system, that movement (spin) is implied. It is implied by mapping the nature of the bond at that specific location on the grid (the wheel of concentric circles), combined with how much energy is applied to each area of the grid, which is the next stage of developing this system.
The system is to understand the dynamics of how energy flows through a 3D spherical circuit and how two or more of such 'orbs' interact with one another and with external factors either as stimuli for the orb (absorbing) or as response to influence by the orb (radiating).
In doing so, re-discovered what some of the Aztec-Mayan 'calender wheel' art is mapping. Concentric rings, with center ring empty, next ring split into two one black one white (yin/yang), next into three, next into four, and so on. The rings are presented in alignment with the division lines all lined up so the very top has a division all the way from central circle to the outer ring. We shall call this line which connects outer and inner, the zero-point. I don't know how many rings there are, it is illustrative. It looks like a multidimensional chessboard which basically is what it is, see also I Ching.
Where there is a black section, we indicate "under" or "minus" and where there is a white section, we indicate "over" or "plus". It really is that simple.
Every step of the way we are faced with a fork in the road, a Y-shaped option where the three paths of past and two alternate possible futures ahead of us. We choose one or the other. Black vs White. Over vs Under. Positive vs Negative. A journey consists of many thousands of these configurations. Depending on how we configure the steps of our journey, we experience different electromagnetic pulsations. We interact with the external environment in different ways depending how Assertive or Yielding we are at that specific stage of the journey.
In The NeverEnde Story novel is a chapter describing The Palace Of A Thousand Doors, wherein each room has two doors with similar-but-different symbols. Perhaps we can make it a gender issue, many do; because in our culture we see that literally when we go into an assumed-to-be-relatively-safe space to reveal our genitals for purposes of hygiene.
Due to the study of Resonance Physics, and how scientists have conclusively proved that Mind can affect subatomic objects at a distance (although they debate How and Why this should be so, perhaps because the answers are known outside of their field of jurisdiction in shamanic teaching lineages rather than science labs), the overlap of two or more energy fields does not have to occur in the same area of space; they can and do affect each other at a distance. It has been showed repeatedly that consciousness is a factor in this, for which the study of The Attention; where you place your Attention upon creates a bridge between yourself and that thing, through which electromagnetic energy configurations flow. The exchange is often automated because a cosmic law that "energy seeks to balance". A commonly used way of phrasing this whole thing is 'mind over matter'.
©2019 Ordo Octopia